The Hollow American Economy
His draft paper is a good read. While I'm not sure manufacturing is the only answer the paper has these gems:
- "While Bernie Madoff will rightfully go to jail for his crimes, it can be argued that our entire economy has become a grand pyramid scheme – borrowing money we don’t have to buy real estate at ridiculous prices, to make money by selling it to someone else at an even greater price, and on and on until we inevitably run out of buyers and reality sets in – we have way more houses than people who really have the money to live in them and, like all pyramid schemes, the whole thing collapses. Only this has been a government sanctioned pyramid scheme – government urged for that matter – and the perpetrators are not going to jail – they are being made whole with even more borrowed money."
- "Very important questions must be asked and answered: If manufacturing cannot compete with American wage rates, how is it that Toyota and Honda do so well? Can legacy costs for old union agreements really account for the entire gap? Or is there more to it than that? What is the reason for the disparity between publicly and privately held companies – why do the privately held companies do so much better, and why are they less apt to outsource? "
Hopefully this economist knows what he is talking about :-)
Shocking Survey Results about Performance Appraisal
I agree with this completely. I wonder when organizations get this simple fact. Suggests the Best Movie Bathroom Breaks
A web app designed just for me!
The perils of not logging out
A 3 yr old buys a $15K digger on an auction website!
Will is particularly diatribic in this one. California is typically the leading indicator for political reform. I see higher debt and taxes for all.
Some good points. "Scrum like all early (first generation) Agile methods really do not change the project management paradigm very much." Kanban might be the next step in the evolution of software development. The key is to think of it as a step that is built upon/using good ideas of today (e.g. TDD).
Small download and simple usage for those of us who live by copy and paste.
A good description of the the "dynamic" keyword in C# 4 also some references to other dynamic languages as well as a high level review of the new DLR.
Clean Code and Battle Scarred Architecture
Most interesting to me is his formula "comp(f)2 X (1 – cov(f)/100)3. + comp(f) Where comp(f) = the cyclomatic complexity of the function f. and cov(f) = the unit test coverage of function f." He aims for .1%. I wonder why such a complicated function is necessary, although I like the idea of a simple metric to keep a system from having a hidden ogre.
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