Thursday, April 30, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Didn't know what this was, but sounds cool! "TeamCity is a continuous integration and build management system. With TeamCity, you can set up a build server within minutes and enjoy out of the box continuous unit testing, code quality analysis, and early reporting on build problems — even without leaving your favorite IDE."
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Old idea on new technology. Why is it that the simplest rules are the most often broken?
- "The problem with these transition initiatives, and their champions, and their change agents, and their sponsors, and their improvement projects, and their quality teams, and process experts, and black belts, and green belts, and funny handshakes, and secret rituals, and coded handbooks, and group hugs and therapy sessions is, quite simply, they don't work!"
- "By giving the transition a name, the management has given the workforce a new hate object. Something to despise!"
"Continuous improvement is everyone's business!"
Interesting concept, although most of the pictures are in Europe.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Rehire Every Employee, Every Day
- Two techniques for faster JavaScriptI learned some tricks and a new piece of jargon "Memoization"
- Can you pass this JavaScript test?I didn't do well, but I was close on a few that would have pushed me over the line. If you have javascript on your resume, so yourself a favor and take this.
- Automatic Update Hell Must EndFunny look at those annoying automatic updates.
- What the heck is a meme anyway?The title says it all.
- Ask Gemba: Nuts and Bolts of the Andon System Interesting becuase it talks about manufacturing, but the answers are not so narrow (e.g. "A blame-free culture. It is completely safe to expose problems. Leaders ask "Why?" and not "Who?" ")
- More marketing their book that anything, but I learned something about A3 thinking (e.g. there are 7 elements):
- Logical Thinking Process
Objectivity Results and Process Synthesis, distillation, and visualization Alignment Coherency within and consistency across Systems viewpoint
- Plan Do Czech Act
More for the pictures of Prague, but I like the opening:If there are three things I can't resist they are:
- Creating lists,
- Teasing the possibilities out of words, and
- Attempting to inject levity and fun into teaching kaizen.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Interesting article by Stephen Anderson on how/why pretty design is important.
10 rules for great development spaces
I would call it a wish list instead of rules, but I'm not going to split hairs.
Mark Needham explains several ways to make unit testing fun (TDD is the obviously mentioned). He describes a new term for me "Ping Pong Pairing" one person writes the test, the other write the smallest clean code to pass it, swap rinse repeat. I'll have to try it next chance I get.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Sad story after such an uplifting one. I wonder if we will ever get over the politics of education.
The Scatology of Agile Architecture
Uncle Bob making sure people realize 180 degrees from bad is still bad. BDUF is bad, but NO-DUF is stupid.
I love the SCRUM cartoon.
My Quick Oversimplified ASP.Net MVC Pros and Cons
An overview of ASP MVC that seems even handed. I have no experience with it to make any other judgment.
from PhD in Parenting. This looks like classic over analysis, but it is interesting for those that are at that stage in life
Friday, April 24, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Re: Lean Study Tour - Day 3: Bad News First
An interesting exchange between Kent & Ron. I remember reading about Appreciative Inquiry a while ago...maybe I will have to give it a second look. Further down in the message trail some posts An Appreciative Retrospective by Diane Larson. Seems like a good start since Barnes & Nobles doesn't carry "The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry" in stock anywhere in Richmond!
- "I try only to have a perfect design for right now. I never even manage that."
- "Less refactoring makes it take LONGER! Refactoring is no more waste than is sharpening your tools."
We CareWe consider it our responsibilityto gain the trust of the businesses we serve;therefore, wetake our customer's problems as seriously as they do andstake our reputation on the quality of the work we produce.We PracticeWe consider it our responsibilityto write code that is defect-free, proven, readable, understandable and malleable;therefore, wefollow our chosen practices meticulously even under pressure andpractice our techniques regularly.We LearnWe consider it our responsibilityto hone our craft in pursuit of mastery;therefore, wecontinuously explore new technologies andread and study the work of other craftsmen.We ShareWe consider it our responsibilityto perpetuate the craft of Software;therefore, weenlist apprentices to learn it andactively engage other craftsmen in dialogue and practice.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
How Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Gets Things Done Interesting that he uses Eudora...I remember that name, but that's about all. Gotta love the picture at the end....guess which one is the geek?
What I propose is this:
// codesnippet:1c125546-b87c-49ff-8130-a24a3deda659
- (void)fadeOutWindow:(NSWindow*)window{// code}}Attach a one line comment convention with a new GUID to any code snippet you publish on the web. This ties the snippet of code to its author and any subsequent clones. A trivial search for the code snippet GUID would identify every other copy of the snippet on the web:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
In the Scrumdevelopment Yahoo group I found a post that made me go huh? Introduction and question about dividing a scrum team in which the guy wants to split his team into 3 2-person "teams" to parrallizwe the work stream?!?!? Ron's response put him in his place with the following recommendations:
0. Have a real PO set the priorities;
1. Do not split the team;
2. Work on things in true priority order;
3. Recognize that working on everything is not an example of 2.
What's weird is that I blogged back two days ago about a situation that wasn't too far off from this one situation.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today
Jurgen's latest: Leader vs. Ruler: Which One Are You? BTW NOOP stands for "NO OPeration" Ididn't know that before today, I guess I gotta stop calling it nüp and start calling it no-op. It's agood read. Some sections I particularly liked:
- "reading the book Tribes, by Seth Godin. In his book Seth says that never in history has it been so easy for anyone to be a leader. These days, with the use of social media, each of us is able to attract our own followers. And on Twitter, this is exactly what we're doing (quite literally). Seth explains that a crowd becomes a tribe when it has a leader that the people are following out of their own free will. And the interesting thing is that people can follow different leaders for different causes."
- "in many social systems rulers can peacefully co-exist with leaders. For example: in any football (or soccer) match you will find leaders (one in each team) and rulers (the referees). They all play their parts in making the game work for everyone."
- "To be a leader is not the next step for managers"
- "It is the manager's job to give room to leaders"
- "It's the managers' job to make sure that leadership is cultivated, and that the emerging leaders are following the rules."
From Freakonomics comes a discussion about an MBA course I interested in (trust me that's rare) “Using Experiments in Firms" from Don’t guess, experiment. Some quotes from the interview:
- “The level of experimentation is abysmal. These firms do not take full advantage of feedback opportunities they’re presented with. After seeing example after example, we sat down and said, ‘We have to try to do something to stop this.’ One change we could make is to teach 75 to 100 of the best MBA students in the world how to think about feedback opportunities and how to think about designing their own field experiments to learn something that can make their company better.
- One example was a company that was told by consultants that sales surged when it advertised on television – without realizing that its advertisements appeared just before big holiday sales days."It wasn't that advertising caused their sales to go up but that knowing their sales were going to go up caused them to advertise a few weeks earlier.”
Levitt says in the blog entry "Thankfully, the reporter did not mention that most of the students hated the class." Gotta love his self deprecation.
Jeff's latest:How Not To Conduct an Online Poll
Basically a review of Inside the Precision Hack. I found this somewhat interesting, but was kind of shocked at the quote from the article "The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers."
WHAT?!?! Jeff's review is bit more tame "... is it really a precision hack when your adversaries are completely incompetent?". I think this guy is WAY off base, but he did the homework so you gotta give him some credit.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Psychological Projection and the Geek
- "He's an idiot" -> I am insecure about my intelligence as I place my self worth upon it
- "He's selfish" -> I wished I got more attention
- "He just doesn't get it" -> I wish I was more important so people would listen to me
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Handling Multiple Small Projects
Let's see, I have 6 1-month projects and 3 developers (Mark, Luke & John). I'll give 2 each and tell the customer that they will all be done in 2 months! Man I'm good.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stuff I Have Found to be Interesting Today
It is still going on...and may never end :-)