Monday, April 27, 2009

Stuff I Have Found Interesting Today

I great read and a must read for any one who buys too many management books. If you read it all the way you will find a few gems (e.g. "In a sense, management theory is what happens to philosophers when you pay them too much.")
Fascinating little story about how a non-native speaker learns the order of adjectives in English. I hope I remember this next time I am writing.
Iteresting how they save money, energy & get more out of your hardware in their newest data center. Those Googlers sure are smart. 
Re: How much refactoring?
Ron continues with an even better anology for software and refactoring: Driving a car and steering. Followed by some back and forth and ending in post 38044 by Ron again. Good stuff for those that aren't rock solid on Refactoring.


Rehire Every Employee, Every Day

Oswald Chamber's daily devotional was quite enlightening to me today.
I discovered a new blog assertTrue() and thus a list of his posts:
Another blog, recommended by the overlords at Google: Gemba Panta Rei
  1. Logical Thinking Process
  2. Objectivity
  3. Results and Process
  4. Synthesis, distillation, and visualization
  5. Alignment
  6. Coherency within and consistency across
  7. Systems viewpoint

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